Rabu, 28 September 2011

[U365.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Mihail Eminescu - 4 volume Publicistica - 1877-1889 (Mihai Eminescu - Opere Complete t. 5) (French Edition), by Ioan Mihail Marduc

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Mihail Eminescu - 4 volume Publicistica - 1877-1889 (Mihai Eminescu - Opere Complete t. 5) (French Edition), by Ioan Mihail Marduc

Mihail Eminescu - 4 volume Publicistica - 1877-1889 (Mihai Eminescu - Opere Complete t. 5) (French Edition), by Ioan Mihail Marduc

Mihail Eminescu - 4 volume Publicistica - 1877-1889 (Mihai Eminescu - Opere Complete t. 5) (French Edition), by Ioan Mihail Marduc

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Mihail Eminescu - 4 volume Publicistica - 1877-1889 (Mihai Eminescu - Opere Complete t. 5) (French Edition), by Ioan Mihail Marduc

Aceasta editie contine toate cele 4 volume de publicistica lansate anterior.

Activitatea de ziarist a lui Eminescu a �nceput �n vara anului 1876, nevoit să o practice din cauza schimbărilor prilejuite de căderea guvernului conservator. P�nă atunci el fusese revizor școlar �n județele Iași și Vaslui, funcție obținută cu sprijinul ministrului conservator al �nvățăm�ntului, Titu Maiorescu. Imediat după preluarea conducerii ministerului de către liberalul Chițu, Eminescu a fost demis din funcția de revizor școlar și a lucrat ca redactor la Curierul de Iași, publicație aflată atunci �n proprietatea unui grup de junimiști. La inițiativa lui Maiorescu și Slavici, Eminescu a fost angajat �n octombrie 1877 ca redactor la cotidianul Timpul, organul oficial al conservatorilor, unde a rămas �n următorii șase ani.

Deși a ajuns jurnalist printr-un concurs de �mprejurări, Eminescu nu a practicat jurnalismul ca pe o meserie oarecare din care să-și c�știge pur și simplu existența. Articolele pe care le scria au constituit o ocazie de a face cititorilor educație politică, așa cum �și propusese.
„Părerea mea individuală, �n care nu oblig pe nimeni de-a crede, e că politica ce se face azi �n Rom�nia și dintr-o parte și dintr-alta e o politică necoaptă, căci pentru adevărata și deplina �nțelegere a instituțiilor noastre de azi ne trebuie o generațiune ce-avem de-a o crește de-acu-nainte. Eu las lumea ca să meargă cum �i place dumisale – misiunea oamenilor ce vor din ad�ncul lor binele țării e creșterea morală a generațiunii tinere și a generațiunii ce va veni. Nu caut adepți la ideea cea �nt�i, dar la cea de a doua sufletul meu ține ca la el �nsuși.”

Pentru Eminescu legea supremă �n politică era conservarea naționalității și �ntărirea statului național:
„ … toate dispozițiile c�te ating viața juridică și economică a nației trebuie să rezulte �nainte de toate din suprema lege a conservării naționalității și a țării, cu orice mijloc și pe orice cale, chiar dacă și mijlocul și calea n-ar fi conforme cu civilizația și umanitarismul care azi formează masca și pretextul sub care apusul se luptă cu toate civilizațiile rămase �ndărăt sau eterogene.”

De aceea o politică eficientă putea fi realizată numai țin�nd seamă „de calitățile și defectele rasei noastre, de predispozițiile ei psihologice”. Prin atitudinea sa, Eminescu nu dorea să constr�ngă cetățenii de altă etnie să devină rom�ni sau să-i excludă din viața publică. Ceea ce �și dorea era ca interesul național să fie dominant, nu exclusiv. „Dar ceea ce credem, �ntemeiați pe vorbele bătr�nului Matei Basarab e că țara este, �n linia �nt�ia, elemental național și că e scris �n cartea veacurilor ca acest element să determine soarta și caracterul acestui stat.”

Publicistica lui Eminescu acoperă perioada Războiului de Independență, a proclamării independenței, a satisfacerii condițiilor impuse de Congresul de la Berlin pentru recunoașterea independenței și proclamarea regatului. Pe l�ngă aceste mari evenimente politice și sociale el s-a ocupat �n articolele sale de toate problemele societății rom�nești din acea vreme: răscumpărarea căilor ferate, noua constituție și legea electorală, bugetul, �nființarea Băncii Naționale, dările, inamovibilitatea magistraților, politica externă, etc. Majoritatea articolelor scrise de Eminescu fac parte dintr-o polemică continuă dusă cu ziarele liberale și �n principal cu Rom�nul condus de C.A. Rosetti, liberalii afl�ndu-se atunci la guvernare.

  • Sales Rank: #3947694 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-07-13
  • Released on: 2012-07-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Impressive book!
By Sergiu
This is the book I was looking for!

It has a lot of interesting ideas, especially from philosophical point of view!
It is a very real inspiration for anyone who wants to create something completely new, based on experience of some guy from the past. The strange of all, a lot of ideas are still usable today!

Multumesc frate!

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Sabtu, 17 September 2011

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"The Motor City Motorcycle Club has a long, fabled and notorious history, and up and coming criminology professor Christopher Bedford is interested in all of it. His father was an early member, but he hasn't seen either of his parents since his mother abandoned him with his grandparents when he was an infant. Now his mother has resurfaced after decades in the underground and FBI Special Agent Robin Farraday has come to Chris with a proposition. He'll get major government funding to penetrate and study the club and find his father, a person of interest in the Bureau's investigations. But Farraday has a hidden motive: a series of vicious crimes dates back to the club's early days, and the FBI hopes that Chris's efforts will lead them to a violent criminal before he can act again.
Both an adrenalin charged journey through the formative phase of a counterculture and an up close and personal plunge into a modern outlaw organization, ''One Percenter Land'' is also an examination of the power of family ties and the perils of moral relativism. The sudden twists and graphic suspense are palpable as Chris Bedford confronts an outlaw motorcycle club, their homicidal rivals and a terrifying madman at play in their world."

  • Sales Rank: #8320013 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-05-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
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  • 360 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

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A Nostalgic Look Back
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Definitely a look back at the Old School ways. It was written a while ago so it may seem oversimplified, but if I remember, those were simpler times.

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Rabu, 14 September 2011

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Piper, normally a vibrant teen, experiences many challenges of betrayal and her fear quickly seeps into her relationship with her boyfriend, Ethan. She begins to doubt his faithfulness and soon, her own. As she struggles with this issue, she pushes her best friend, Zack, away who had always been there for her when she needed him. But when strange things start happening in her bedroom, she's forced to explore a possibility that she had always thought of as a farce. Ghosts. Jonathon, who was betrayed and murdered ten years ago, will not rest until his killer is found. He wants revenge and doesn’t care about anyone in his way. He will stop at nothing to lure Piper into helping him on this dangerous mission. Will Zack or Ethan help her in her time of need as she faces a killer?

  • Sales Rank: #9431319 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-08-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .46" w x 6.00" l, .62 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 202 pages

About the Author
Amy L. Armstrong read countless books in various genres growing up...and still does. She loves the romantic side of life and enjoys adding love into her YA novels. Born in Kimberley, British Columbia, she initially studied accounting in university and worked a number of years in this field until her passion and desire to write became too strong. Now she enjoys writing every chance she gets and feels more alive than ever!

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Trust Me by Amy Lynn Armstrong
By bd
For me it started a little slow but after the first few chapters it really picked up. This was book was exciting and sure to keep young people interested. I would purchase another from this author.

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Selasa, 13 September 2011

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Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd

Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the Rorschach
* Complete coverage of administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting
* Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls
* Conveniently formatted for rapid reference

The Rorschach inkblot test identifies adaptive and maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. A projective personality test, the unrestrained structure of the Rorschach allows for a variety of responses. In order to use the Rorschach properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret it. Essentials of Rorschach Assessment guides both the new and experienced professional to a better understanding of the Rorschach and how to implement it in practice.

Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental health practitioners quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of a major psychological assessment instrument. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you to gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.

This step-by-step guide provides a clear and concise reference for those who want to understand and use the Rorschach inkblot test with confidence. Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style, Essentials of Rorschach Assessment places particular emphasis on the evaluation of adult personality using Exner's Comprehensive System. The authors review the strengths and weaknesses of the Rorschach, and offer valuable advice on its clinical applications, exciting new research data, and several illuminating case reports.

Other titles in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series:

Essentials of WAIS-III Assessment
Essentials of CAS Assessment
Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment
Essentials of Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II Assessment
Essentials of WISC-III and WPPSI-R Assessment
Essentials of Millon Inventories Assessment
Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment
Essentials of Career Interest Assessment
Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment
Essentials of Nonverbal Assessment
Essentials of Cognitive Assessment with Kait and Other kaufman Measures

For a complete list of books in our Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, visit us on the Web at: www.essentials.wiley.com

  • Sales Rank: #164251 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-12-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.56" h x .63" w x 5.47" l, .62 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

From the Back Cover
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the Rorschach�

  • Complete coverage of administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting
  • Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls
  • Conveniently formatted for rapid reference

The Rorschach� inkblot test identifies adaptive and maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. A projective personality test, the unrestrained structure of the Rorschach� allows for a variety of responses. In order to use the Rorschach� properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret it. Essentials of Rorschach� Assessment guides both the new and experienced professional to a better understanding of the Rorschach� and how to implement it in practice.

Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental health practitioners quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of a major psychological assessment instrument. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you to gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.

This step-by-step guide provides a clear and concise reference for those who want to understand and use the Rorschach� inkblot test with confidence. Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style, Essentials of Rorschach� Assessment places particular emphasis on the evaluation of adult personality using Exner’s Comprehensive System. The authors review the strengths and weaknesses of the Rorschach�, and offer valuable advice on its clinical applications, exciting new research data, and several illuminating case reports.

Other titles in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series:

Essentials of WAIS�-III Assessment
Essentials of CAS Assessment
Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment
Essentials of Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II Assessment
Essentials of WISC-III� and WPPSI-R� Assessment
Essentials of Millon Inventories Assessment
Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator� Assessment
Essentials of Career Interest Assessment
Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment
Essentials of Nonverbal Assessment
Essentials of Cognitive Assessment with Kait and Other kaufman Measures

For a complete list of books in our Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, visit us on the Web at: www.essentials.wiley.com

About the Author
Tara Rose, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Nancy Kaser-Boyd, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.
Michael P. Maloney, PhD, Mental Health Clinical Program Head (Women's Forensic Treatment Program), Los Angeles County Jail.

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Stick with the Exner and colleagues series
By J. Toomey
I have read and used a number of Rorschach scoring and interpretive guides and I feel that the pedagogical value of this book is on par with it's monetary value. As other reviewers have commented, this text is out of date. I also noticed that the case example towards the end is wrought with scoring errors. I purchased this as a brief guide for students in clinical placements, but I am now sure it is better that I summarize the contents of the Exner series for them. I don't recommend this text for anyone who actually uses the test.

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
A useful tertiary reference
By FatherNurgle
In my experience, all of the "Essentials" series books are useful to a greater or lesser degree. I routinely write psychological testing reports, and have a stack of reference books nearby for quick perusal. This is NOT a book that should be used by students or professionals to comprehensively score and interpret a Rorschach; the Exner workbook is needed for that. However, this book has an excellently compiled index that allows the evaluator to quickly look up research and normative data on specific variables that stand out in a record.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Look at other books before buying this one
By darin arsenault
I bought this book to assist me in learning the Rorshach in a projective assessment class. The book is easy to read, and it certainly provides the reader with eye catching information boxes that help to make sense out of complicated material. However, there are some problems. First, the book is out of date: it does not refer to current research or Exner's newest comprehensive edition. An update of this book might take care of this problem. Second, at times material that could be more comprehensively laid out for the reader is neglected. This concern would require the authors to re-write sections that are overly simplified.

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Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd PDF
Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd EPub
Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd Doc
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Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd PDF

Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd PDF

Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd PDF
Essentials of Rorschach Assessment, by Tara Rose, Michael P. Maloney, Nancy Kaser-Boyd PDF

Minggu, 04 September 2011

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The Elgar Companion to the International Court of Justice (Elgar Companions to International Courts and Tribunals series), by Robert Kolb

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The Elgar Companion to the International Court of Justice (Elgar Companions to International Courts and Tribunals series), by Robert Kolb

The first in a series of Companions that offer broad coverage of a range of international courts and tribunals, The Elgar Companion to the International Court of Justice is a one-stop reference for those wishing to understand this highly significant and successful Court.

The Companion offers an objective account of how the ICJ came into being, the general principles on which it was founded, and how it functions today. It addresses certain fundamental aspects of the Court, such as its jurisdiction, structure and jurisprudence, as well as its role in the wider world. The Companion gives a human flavour to the institution through the portraits of some of the great figures that have served as its judges.

Written in a lucid and clear manner, the Companion will appeal to all those interested in learning more about the work of the principal judicial body of the United Nations.

  • Published on: 2016-05-25
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 6.25" w x 1.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 496 pages

It is a must for law and academic libraries supporting international law programs and will prove useful to students, academics and practitioners of public international law. --
- David Ettinger, Reference Reviews

About the Author
Robert Kolb, Professor of Public International Law, University of Geneva, Switzerland

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I am not a famous person, just an ordinary, everyday guy that has some things to share. Maybe some of it will make you think, laugh, cry, or ring a bell with you. I just wanted to finally write down all the things I wanted to say. I wrote something over 30 years ago that my Mother found and gave to me, and through the encouragement of a total stranger she shared it with I started writing what you see here. I am not sure how you would classify this book, its many of my own thoughts with some of my life stories thrown in. I started with sharing some of my writings on my website, troygallegos.com, and after much encouragement I decided that I would put my complete thoughts down on paper and put them to print to share with everyone. I hope that its worth your time. Please visit troygallegos.com (no comma) for more info.

  • Sales Rank: #6610319 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Published on: 2012-08-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .7" w x 6.00" l, .13 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 30 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Troy Gallegos has worked in retail for over 30 years, and has never published anything before "An Ordinary Man". This book was inspired by something that he wrote when he was 16 years old that his parents had kept, and gave to him one day out of the blue. Others had read it and wondered why he never pursued writing as a career. It made him think that maybe, before his time on this earth was complete, that he should at least write down all the things that he had to say, and share them with others. You can visit him on facebook, or on his webpage where you can find some of the background to his book. His website is troygallegos.com (no comma).

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An Ordinary Man
Well written. I also spent a few years in discount store management and many more in supervisory positions in various fields. I am in full agreement with his attitudes toward employees and ALL people, regardless of their race, religion, or other beliefs. One thing I have learned to be totally relaxed with the thought of death, because I know there is a GOD and when I die that I will be with him.

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Sabtu, 03 September 2011

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OpenStack Administration with Ansible, by Walter Bentley

OpenStack Administration with Ansible, by Walter Bentley

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OpenStack Administration with Ansible, by Walter Bentley

Key Features

  • Automate real-world OpenStack cloud operator administrative tasks
  • Construct a collection of automation code to save time on managing your OpenStack cloud
  • Use this step-by-step tutorial to automate such tasks with Ansible
Book Description

Most organizations are seeking methods to improve business agility because they have realized just having a cloud is not enough. Being able to improve application deployments, reduce infrastructure downtime, and eliminate daily manual tasks can only be accomplished through some sort of automation.

Packed with real-world OpenStack administrative tasks, this book will walk you through working examples and explain how these tasks can be automated using one of the most popular open source automation tools―Ansible.

We will start with a brief overview of OpenStack and Ansible and highlight some best practices. Each chapter will provide an introduction to handling various Cloud Operator administration tasks such as creating multiple users/tenants, setting up Multi-Tenant Isolation, customizing your clouds quotas, taking instance snapshots, evacuating compute hosts for maintenance, and running cloud health checks, and a step-by-step tutorial on how to automate these tasks with Ansible.

What you will learn
  • Efficiently execute OpenStack administrative tasks
  • Familiarize yourself with how Ansible works and assess the defined best practices
  • Create Ansible playbooks and roles
  • Automate tasks to customize your OpenStack cloud
  • Review OpenStack automation considerations when automating administrative tasks
  • Examine and automate advanced OpenStack tasks and designated use cases
  • Get a high-level overview of OpenStack and the current production-ready projects
  • Deep dive into OpenStack CLI tools and find out how to use them
About the Author

Walter Bentley is a private cloud solutions architect with Rackspace. He has a diverse background in production systems administration and solutions architecture. He has over 15 years of experience across numerous industries, such as online marketing, finance, insurance, aviation, food, education, and now in technology product space. In the past, he has typically been the requestor, consumer, and advisor to companies in the use of technologies such as OpenStack. He is now a promoter of OpenStack technology and a cloud educator.

In Walter's current role, he is focused on helping customers build, design, and deploy private clouds built on OpenStack. His role also involves professional services, engagements around operating the built OpenStack clouds, and DevOps engagements creating playbooks/roles with Ansible.

Recently, Walter was given the honor to be present at the OpenStack Vancouver and Tokyo Summits. As well as this, he was given the great opportunity to present at AnsibleFest events in London and New York. Some of his other experiences involve performing webinars, blogging about OpenStack, and speaking at various technology conferences. Another wonderful experience is Walter being allowed to take part in the technical review of the newly launched OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, Third Edition, Packt Publishing.

Table of Contents
  • An Introduction to OpenStack
  • An Introduction to Ansible
  • Creating Multiple Users/Tenants
  • Customizing Your Cloud's Quotas
  • Snapshot Your Cloud
  • Migrating Instances
  • Setting up Isolated Tenants
  • Deploying OpenStack Features
  • Inventory Your Cloud
  • Health Check Your Cloud
    • Sales Rank: #1246999 in Books
    • Published on: 2016-01-28
    • Released on: 2016-01-28
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.25" h x .50" w x 7.50" l, .84 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 218 pages

    About the Author

    Walter Bentley

    Walter Bentley is a private cloud solutions architect with Rackspace. He has a diverse background in production systems administration and solutions architecture. He has over 15 years of experience across numerous industries, such as online marketing, finance, insurance, aviation, food, education, and now in technology product space. In the past, he has typically been the requestor, consumer, and advisor to companies in the use of technologies such as OpenStack. He is now a promoter of OpenStack technology and a cloud educator. In Walter's current role, he is focused on helping customers build, design, and deploy private clouds built on OpenStack. His role also involves professional services, engagements around operating the built OpenStack clouds, and DevOps engagements creating playbooks/roles with Ansible. Recently, Walter was given the honor to be present at the OpenStack Vancouver and Tokyo Summits. As well as this, he was given the great opportunity to present at AnsibleFest events in London and New York. Some of his other experiences involve performing webinars, blogging about OpenStack, and speaking at various technology conferences. Another wonderful experience is Walter being allowed to take part in the technical review of the newly launched OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, Third Edition, Packt Publishing.

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    OpenStack Administration with Ansible, by Walter Bentley PDF

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    OpenStack Administration with Ansible, by Walter Bentley PDF